首页 » 佛山黄页 » 佛山自行车 » 佛山市顺德区跨速头盔有限公司


本公司是一家专业开发、设计、生产各类安全头盔的企业,包括自行车头盔系列、山地越野头盔系列、多用途(自行车、滑冰、滑板)运动头盔系列、滑雪头盔、摩托车系列。产品花色品种繁多,公司每年推出多款头盔,主要销往美国、澳大利亚、欧美等国家。   我公司生产的系列头盔,独具欧美风格,用材考究,重量轻,有效保护面积大,通风、散热性能好,佩戴安全舒适。   所有产品均通过美国SNELL(B95A、B95C、N94、RS98)、CPSC、澳大利亚/新西兰标准2063及欧洲CE标准认证。我公司生产的多用途运动头盔,全球第四家通过SNELL N94标准认证。   本公司经营灵活,代客户设计,来样加工,欢迎中外客商合作。 Our Company is developing, designing and producing all kinds of safety helmets company. It manufactures all kinds of safety helmets. Such as Bicycle Helmet Series, BMX/Downhill Helmet Series, Multi-sports including bicycling, motorcycle helmet, skating and skateboarding Helmet Series, Recreational Ski and Snowboard Helmet Series etc. We produce many new helmets per year.   Our series helmets have European and American individual styles. The materials are observed and studied. The helmets are not weighty and have more useful protective area while providing excellent durability and integrity. The vents with inner air channels draw the air through the helmet and over the brow for maximum cooling. You can feel safe and comfortable if you wear Star helmet.   All the helmets are certified Snell ( B95A, B95C, N94,RS98), CPSC, AS/NZS 2063 and CE standards. Furthermore, our company is the fourth enterprise which the multi-sports helmets have passed Snell N94 standard in the world.
  • 联 系 人:Amy zhang
  • 职 位:负责人
  • 联 系 电 话:86-757-26331385
  • 移 动 电 话:
  • 公 司 地 址:广东省顺德北滘西海工业区
  • 邮 政 编 码:528311
  • 本 站 编 号:kennone
  • 企 业 性 质:企业单位 - 产品型,服务型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:100 ;发展指数: 94 ;口碑指数: 107