首页 » 南通黄页 » 南通刀具 » 南通神锋美术刀具有限公司


司简介江苏省南通神锋美术刀具有限公司,创建于1985年,前身是启东市近海刀具厂。2003年,为了扩大规模、更好地服务于国内外客户,公司搬迁至濒江临海、交**捷的南通市区。公司环境宜人,设施先进,专业生产各种美术刀具并能根据客户需求来样定制。主打产品油画刀(锻打、激光焊接)、雕刻刀(木刻刀、石刻刀、泥塑刀)远销日本、德国、美国、英国、法国、意大利等地,享誉国内外。天道酬勤,商道酬信。“信誉、质量、创新”是公司一如既往的追求,欢迎国内外客商前来洽谈业务。与“神锋”携手,画绚丽人生! 公司地址:江苏省南通市港闸区秦灶镇八里庙村工业园区邮 编:226011电 话:0513-85669960/85669960&nb p;传 真:0513-85669110手 机:13813600316网 址:http://www.ntsfmsdj.com.cn电子信箱:djb8513@126.comABOUT USThe Shenfeng Arts knife Ltd. is established on 1985, thepredecessor is the Jinhai Knife Factory. In 1985, the company movesto Nantong City downtown area and expanded scale, easy to be servefor customers.The company environment is pleasant, with advanced equipments. Weproduce various arts knife specially and to be custom-made kindaccording to the customer need. Our main products is the oilpainting knife (forge by hammer, weld by Laser), carving knife(wood engraving knife, stone inscription knife, clay sculptureknife). Our products is sold to fields such as Japan , Germany ,USA , United Kingdom, France , Italy etc, and have gainedreputation in home and abroad.Make great efforts will achieve success, business depend on credit.“Prestige, quality, innovation” are our pursues as always.Welcome to our company.Address:Balimiao Industrial Area, Qinzao Town, Nantong, Jiangsu,ChinaPost Code:226011Phone:0086-513-85669960 / 85669960Fax:0086-513-85669110Mobile Phone:13813600316Web Site:http://www.ntsfmsdj.com.cnE-mail:djb8513@126.com 详情
  • 联 系 人:董建波
  • 职 位:总经理
  • 联 系 电 话:086-000-00000000
  • 移 动 电 话:
  • 公 司 地 址:江苏南通秦灶镇八里庙村工业园区
  • 邮 政 编 码:226000
  • 本 站 编 号:201410259207_12165
  • 企 业 性 质:其他 - —
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:99 ;发展指数: 100 ;口碑指数: 108