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公司基本信息 深圳市泰利得通信技术有限公司是一家专业从事光通信仪器/仪表,通信设备销售、开发及维修服务的高新企业,是柳州达迪系列仪表授权华南销售中心,全面承担达迪仪表在华南地区的售前指导、销售、维修、售后服务等工作;同时取得日本yokogawa、美国noyes、美国acterna、美国3m、日本fujikura、日本sei中国大陆特邀代理,有受过专业技术培训的资深技术专家为用户提供准确、及时、优质的技术服务。 Shenzhen Tellid communication Tech. Co., Ltd specializes in manufacturing of Telecommunications Tester/ Analyzer & Fiber Optic products since 2002, the company is known for the excellent quality, low prices, fast delivery and good service. Tellid is the super agents of a lot of companies. Our direct relationship with fortune 80 companies such as Yokogawa, Fujikura, Sumitomo, Noyes, 3M、Agilent、JDSU, EXFO and many more, add to our strength. We are not only has been providing OEM service of fiber optic products for some world leading companies in this industry, but the company has been supporting many other customers from all over the world to be successful in the fiber optic market, such as Yokogawa, Fujikura, Sumitomo, Noyes, 3M、Agilent、JDSU, EXFO and many more.In order to give you a general idea of various kinds of the Optical passive devices we are handling, we enclosed our latest catalogue for reference. Thank you for visiting with us, please review our products and capabilities and let 1us know how we can be of service.
  • 联 系 人:泰利得先生(markingmanager)
  • 职 位:总经理办公室
  • 联 系 电 话:0755 83905398
  • 移 动 电 话:暂时为空
  • 公 司 地 址:广东深圳 福田区莲花路香景大厦2栋11B
  • 邮 政 编 码:暂时为空
  • 本 站 编 号:jd53691
  • 企 业 性 质:企业单位 - 产品型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:107 ;发展指数: 94 ;口碑指数: 100