首页 » 佛山黄页 » 佛山五金工具 » 佛山市南海欧特五金厂


欧特五金创建于2000年 , 总部位于珠江三角洲工业重镇佛山南海,是一家以家用装饰五金设计开发生产 销售为主的企业经过7年的不断发展与壮大, 现公司拥有现代化厂房面积10000多平方米.产能达1000万件 , 名列全国工商联商会卫浴配件企业10强 , 并成为全国家具工商[****]会常务理事单位.市场营销网络遍及全国 , 产品远销欧美、东南亚、中东等地.
创建至今,欧特专心专注.精益求精于装饰五金制品领域,目前拥有橱柜,卫浴及家具拉手配件.挂件 4 大系列 ,2000多个规格品种同时还开发出橱柜灯饰,卫浴灯饰.高档衣钩挂具等类产品.欧特始终坚持"以质量求生存,以科技创效益以品牌促发展 "的经营理念,会聚大较专业技术,设计人才,并不断引进国外先进的设备与国内橱柜卫浴等 较好品牌企业合作、共同开发创新 , 在家用五金装饰 创业一直处于较先进地位.
  基于企业所拥有雄厚技术力量以及视产品质量为企业生命的理念.使公司生产的固特产品,通过了ISO9001 : 2000 质量体系认证,英国皇家UKAS认证 , 世界名优名牌产品推广中心的"中国名优产品"认证,中国CCC强制认证及欧盟CE认证等项国内外权同认证.
  欧特人始终致力不断满足顾客的期望努力为广大顾客提供较优质.较有价值的产品和服务.为装饰五金创业的发展, 为广大顾客的生活增添更多的精彩 , 做出我们应有的贡献!

OUTE Hardware Co., Ltd was founded in 2000. The headquarters located at Naihai District, Foshan City, the Pearl River Delta industrial city. It is a professional manufacturer specializing in designing, developing, producing and selling household decorative hardware. After seven years of continuous development and strengthening, now our company has a modern workshop of over 10,000 square meters with an annual output of 10 million paces, ranking among the 10 strongest bathroom accessory enterprises of the All-China Federation of Industry, and at the same time the Standing Director Unit of the All-China Furniture General Federation of Industry and Commerce. Our marketing network covers at home and abroad. The overseas market extends to Europe, the United States, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East and so on.

Since the establishment of OUTE Hardware Co., Ltd, we concentrate on and commit ourselves to excelling in the field of decorative hardware products. Now we produce four major series, cabinet and bathroom handle accessories, furniture handles and hangings, amounting to more than 2,000 kinds of products. We also developed cabinet lamps and bathroom lamps, up-marked clothes hoods and other products. OUTE Hardware Co., Ltd always insists on the business philosophy of “seek survival by quality, create efficiency by technological innovation, promote development by brand”, and
  • 联 系 人:王培
  • 职 位:负责人
  • 联 系 电 话:+86 0757 85604651
  • 移 动 电 话:yi-39er-qi-qi-99qi-30
  • 公 司 地 址:中国广东佛山
  • 邮 政 编 码:528247
  • 本 站 编 号:user392446
  • 企 业 性 质:企业单位 - 生产型,贸易型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:97 ;发展指数: 99 ;口碑指数: 110