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厦门顾德工贸有限公司是一家专业从事花洒,升降杆设计,生产和销售的厂家,公司座落在风景优美的厦门市。   本公司所生产的“厦永新”花洒系列产品,外形美观,使用便捷,价格合理,居家过日子必不可少。   公司的经营宗旨“以人为本”。公司的产品开发工程师根据中国人手的大小,审美喜好结合世界潮流,设计出符合中国人审美观又紧随世界发展趋势,造型独特的产品。公司选用的原材料均为国外进口的无毒材料,在高温时无异味产生,无毒素析出,从而保证消费者身体健康,充分享受沐浴的快乐。花洒的喷淋面积适当,即保证冲淋的舒适性,又有节水的功效。   产品出厂前,全部经过测试,每款花洒均可承受8kg/c的静压,产品实行保修一年,消费者购买后无后顾之忧(详情请登录http://www.xmxyx.com)。  XiaMen GOODY co.,ltd locates the beautiful shore of northwest at Xiamen China.It specializes for designing and manufacturing showers and sliding bar. It has four departments. They are R&D department &tooling department and production department &sales department.   The products “XIA YONG XIN”shower series, have nice shape, used easily, fitted price, are necessary for houselife.   A special attention has been given to quality right from design to shipment.   Quality is constantly under control in workshop, where each shower is tested to make sure the function before packaging. The shower could resist 8bars water pressure without any leakage.   Thanks to a well structured staff team. They are running the company very well and have made possible a growth , the benefits of which are visible in terms of dynamism and improved results with technological and productive competence.Goody’s philosophy is to provide with showering products which consumer enjoys pleasure of showering and decorates his personal wellbeing. 
  • 联 系 人:黄九江
  • 职 位:负责人
  • 联 系 电 话:+86 0592 5555032
  • 移 动 电 话:
  • 公 司 地 址:厦门市
  • 邮 政 编 码:361006
  • 本 站 编 号:user388630
  • 企 业 性 质:个体经营 - 生产型,贸易型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:98 ;发展指数: 99 ;口碑指数: 109