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Guangdong Chaozhou Yanhuang Ceramics&Porcelain Co.,Ltd. 焱皇,是一家融多种艺术于一体、既传承古陶绘画淳朴自然之美、又开创现代陶艺浪漫新潮之风的新锐陶艺公司,Yanhuang, with assembly of multiple art, inherit the beauty of primitive simplicity from the ancient ceramic painting ,coupled with drawing romantic and fashionable style from modern time, it is a ceramics company with potential strength. 焱皇陶艺雕工阴阳交错变化万千,造型新奇别致,作品工艺考究,富丽典雅,不仅能为家居装点添彩润色,还能成为您高雅生活格调、高贵身份地位的象征。Our Carving skill combined rigid with soft ,present a kaleidoscopic splendor and shape in unique and delicate, with dainty craft, it shows magnificence and elegance. Not only bring colorful sense to your house decoration, ,but also a symbol of elegant and noble life style. 闲暇之余,欣赏焱皇陶艺术,上能精读历史,下可领略时尚;思索自然,问道文化,焱皇陶艺,都大有可观。In leisure ,while enjoying yanhuang ceramics ,you are swimming in dating back to antique history and lingering in modern voque , also guilding you to perceive nature and appreciate culture, Yanhuang ceramics are sumptuous from fascinates the viewers. 焱皇陶艺凝结着古今陶瓷艺术的精髓,将不同时代陶品的优点巧妙的糅合到作品中,形成了具有中国特色的当代名陶。Yanhuang ceramics is really a cystalisate of arts from both ancient and modern, involved with advantages of every dynasty, and cover laurel as modern famous ceramic with chinese characteristics. 焱皇陶艺品,以古朴清新,自然,个性为主导情趣,以神秘古老的东方文化为题材,形成了独特的新人文言情陶艺——集使用性,观赏性,收藏性于一体的独特艺术品,使每一位赏陶者都可以从中体味到一种火与泥塑造出来的耐人寻味、发人深思的文化回归。Inspirational, exclusive,Yanhuang ceramics is rooted in guilding sentiment as primitive simplicity, trueness and exclusive feature ,drawing themes from mysterious oriental culture, a special kind of humanism and perceptibly art----assembly of practicability, appreciability and collectworthy.it also can hints the viewer a kind of culture revitalization from mud and fire and also cause your thoughtfulness. 焱皇陶艺创业数载,磨坜无数,现已发展成为集设计,生产,贸易于一体的复合型企业,她因为不断创新而发展,又凭借质量过硬而取胜。Yanhuang ceramics has established for several years with rich experiences and grown as inter-industrial enterprise, including design. manufacture and trade ,we developed for continual technical innovation and win for high-quality. 新焱皇人以严谨的态度对待艺术,对待客户,以爱护生命般的理念发展焱皇,壮大焱皇。With serious attitude toward art and clients, we develop and extend our company with a belief of taking Yanhuang as precious as our own life. 我们承诺:将以更加出色的工作,为客户,为社会创造出更多更好更具艺术价值的好陶品,精陶品。We promise that we will show our more excellent behavior in working and exploit more exquisite and valuable ceramic to serve the clients and the society. 焱皇陶艺正经由感受泥性,超越泥性大步的走向演绎泥性,升化人性。Yanhuang ceramic art steps in the way of in mud to beyond mud, from beyond mud to deduct mud, whereafter to achieve humanity sublimation. 焱皇陶艺真诚欢迎您的加盟,成为我们的良师益友!Yanhuang ceramics welcome your cooperation sincerely , also hope you to be our good teachers and helpful friends.
  • 联 系 人:樊帆
  • 职 位:负责人
  • 联 系 电 话:+86 2985136
  • 移 动 电 话:
  • 公 司 地 址:广东省潮州市
  • 邮 政 编 码:
  • 本 站 编 号:user381831
  • 企 业 性 质:企业单位 - 生产型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:97 ;发展指数: 94 ;口碑指数: 110