首页 » 泉州黄页 » 泉州液压工具 » 泉州市展鹏机械设备有限公司


福建省泉州市展鹏机械设备有限公司成立于1988年,是集研发、制造、销售与服务为一体的市政工程生产专家,公司位于我国较好侨乡——泉州市,多年以来,公司始终严格按照国家质量管理体系标准实施管理、设计和生产。生产的机械自动化程度高,质量稳定可靠,加上优质的售后服务,产品遍布海内外各地,并赢得广大客户的一致好评。QT系列砌块成型机生产线是引进国外先进技术及结合广大新老客户宝贵意见改良设计而成,该设备具有生产质量高、耐用性强、生产效率高,适用于生产各种规格空心砌块、彩色人行道砖、粉煤灰彩色人行道砖、连锁砌块、草地砖、环树砖、护坡植草砖、路沿石等。面对未来,睿智的展鹏人将一如既往秉承“品质铸就价值”的品牌追求,坚持开拓创新、与时俱进的经营思路,在务实求精的辛勤耕耘中与您一起缔造生活中的点点滴滴,共享和谐轻松的生活。Fujian ZhanPeng Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.was established in1988,which is the expert in municipal engineering productions, asdevelopment, manufacturing, sales and services, the company islocated in Quanzhou which is the famous hometown of overseasChinese. For many years ,the company has always been in strictaccordance with the national quality management system standard,for its implementation of management, design and production.Withthe high degree of automation, reliable and stable quality andfirst-class after-sales service,ZhanPeng has gained a highcompliment from its clients.QTseries block making machine production lines, with superiorquality,srong durability and high efficiency, are improved by thecombination advanced technology and the value repeat and newclients. These lines are applicable to produce hollow bricks,interlock bricks, paving bricks, paving bricks, solid bricksetc.For the future, ZhanPeng Men will stick to the principle of“Quality Creates value”as always, and adhere to innovation andadvancing with the times. In the pragmatic refinement of hardworking,to create the life with you bit by bit, and share an easylife with you in harmony.
  • 联 系 人:郑志鹏
  • 职 位:总经理
  • 联 系 电 话:-
  • 移 动 电 话:yi-wu-wu-069er-wu-wu-wu-qi-
  • 公 司 地 址:南安市
  • 邮 政 编 码:
  • 本 站 编 号:201533020145_226
  • 企 业 性 质:有限责任公司 - 生产型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:97 ;发展指数: 100 ;口碑指数: 110