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该公司没有上传图片 杭州钢铁厂合金钢铸造分厂是从事各类铸件生产的综合性企业。厂房占地面积8000平方米,职工80余名,其中中高级专业技术人员11名。公司拥有水玻璃自硬砂铸造和树脂砂铸造二条生产线,年产单重15—1500公斤各种不锈钢、耐热钢、高铬铸铁、球磨铸铁件约4000吨。产品应用于国内冶金、电力、机械、化工等企业,并销往美国、日本、意大利、澳大利亚等国家,深受用户欢迎。 本公司具有直读光谱分析仪、液压拉力试验机、罗氏便携式硬度计、金相显微镜、超声波探伤仪、着色擦伤、全套化学分析等检测仪器和设备。 本企业生产技术力量雄厚、工艺精湛。我们一贯承诺以合理的价格、高质量的产品和准确的交货期满足用户的需要。 Introduction Alloy Steel Casting Branch of Hangzhou Iron & Steel Factory is a synthetic enterprise which producing de-oxidant alloy and all kinds of castings .The workshops occupy an area of 8000m2and have over 80 employees, including 11 engineers and other technicians. We have three main product lines including precision investment casting line, soluble silicate air set-sand foundry line and resin bonded sand foundry line. We have a wide range of products, our casting products reached about 4000 tons per year, including all kinds of the stainless steel, hi-Chrome and hi-Nickel fire bar, refractory steel, nodular graphite casting iron, weighted from 15 to 1500kilograms. They were applied to metallurgical industry, mechanical industry and petrochemical industries, which are sold to the United States, Japan, Italy and Australia etc, gained a good reputation. We have a complete ability of chemical analysis, mechanical properties test, microstructures analysis and NDT to castings. We also equipped with instruments included electrical arc furnace, Carbon-Sulfur high-speed analytical apparatus, hydraulic tension tester, and HV portable hardness tester, metal-graphic microscope, ultrasonic test (UT), and oil white test (PT) so on. We have a profound product ability and excellent technology. We always guarantee to satisfy our customers with reasonable price and high quality and precise delivery date, meeting all customers’ requirements.
  • 联 系 人:谢利平
  • 职 位:销售一部销售管理
  • 联 系 电 话:86-0571-85034021
  • 移 动 电 话:
  • 公 司 地 址:半山镇杭钢厂区内轧钢路
  • 邮 政 编 码:310022
  • 本 站 编 号:2014518222024_50535
  • 企 业 性 质:国有企业 - 生产型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:107 ;发展指数: 99 ;口碑指数: 100