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该公司没有上传图片 本公司坐落于中国广东省广州市,欢迎惠顾! 公司简介: 广州演艺电子设备有限公司是一家集舞台灯光产品研制、开发、生产、销售和服务为一体的高新科技企业。 MagiBeam品牌灯光设备是广州演艺电子设备有限公司自主研发生产的,立足于中国大陆面向全球的具有创新能力的专业舞台灯光品牌。 MagiBeam根据十几年的舞台灯光从业经验,根据实际应用出发,开发出具有高性能、高品质、具有丰富舞台效果的产品带给消费者,开创具有市场引导性产品。    MagiBeam拥有丰富的舞台灯光工程设计、安装、调试及维护经验,有一批专业的施工队伍,有丰富的剧院、演播厅、酒吧及户外演出舞台灯光现场经验。 MagiBeam不只是做产品,我们还为您提供专业的灯光系统解决方案。 MagiBeam有一个美好的愿景,我们希望“有舞台的地方,就有MagiBeam的设计理念或产品应用”。 MagiBeam将以先进的技术、 卓越的品质、稳定的性能和较好的服务,为国内外客商服务。打造成为广电系统、各大院团、租赁演出到娱乐前沿较喜爱的服务型灯光品牌。 MagiBeam的目标是以全面展开国内、国际间合作,加速高新技术产品开发及产品应用研究,以舞台灯光产品研制、开发、生产、销售和服务为一体,进一步提升国际市场竞争力,打造国际较好品牌。 Company Introduction: Guangzhou Show Equipment Factory is a high-tech manufacture to develop, produce, sale and service for professional lighting. To open the world market, we built the Hongkong Show International Limited in 2010. The Magibeam is one of ourselves lighting brand. MagiBeam based on ten years of experience in stage lighting, based on practical application, to develop high-performance, high-quality, rich stage effects products to consumers, creating the leading products. MagiBeam have many experience for engineering design, installation, commissioning and maintenance, have professional construction team, have many theater, studio, bar and outdoor performance stage lighting living experience. MagiBeam not just products, we also provide you with professional lighting system solutions. MagiBeam have a wonderful vision, we hope” where have stage, where have MagiBeam design and applications”. MagiBeam will be used advanced technology, excellent quality, stable performance and excellent service for domestic and foreign merchants. Built for broadcasting system, performance and entertainment liking brand. The goal of MagiBeam is in full swing domestic and international cooperation, accelerate the development of high-tech products, develop product applications, based on development of stage lighting products, production, sales and service, enhance the competitiveness in in
  • 联 系 人:吕昌勇
  • 职 位:业务部
  • 联 系 电 话:86-020-86898650 / 02086898650
  • 移 动 电 话:yi-39er-6030696
  • 公 司 地 址:广州市白云区鸦岗横丫涌工业区2号
  • 邮 政 编 码:510000
  • 本 站 编 号:2014518221924_6616
  • 企 业 性 质:私营有限责任公司 - 生产型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:105 ;发展指数: 97 ;口碑指数: 102