首页 » 武汉黄页 » 武汉休闲家具 » 武汉广源伟业科技有限公司


该公司没有上传图片 武汉广源伟业科技有限公司,是专业从事研究、开发、生产各种雕刻机的高新技术企业。是国内较少的具备自主研发能力的专业数控机械企业之一。现已成为国内外的佼佼者。设备主要配置均采用来自意大利,日本及德国等国的**原装进口部件。公司全系列产品已通过CE、ISO认证,产品已广泛应用于木工加工、金属加工、石材雕刻、模型制作、广告标识、工艺礼品、纺织皮革、包装印刷、装饰装潢等多个领域。经营理念:技术较先进拥有全国较先进的数控实验室和生产车间,每年定期选拔专业精英加盟。品质保证ISO 9001质量管理体系,监控生产全程。服务完善执行真正的无忧服务,计时响应客户的每一份回馈。文化特色以"追求品质、为客户创早价值“作为企业文化。客户的需求和认可,是我们不断发展提高的动力!竭诚期待国内外新老客户来厂参观指导,锋弛愿以专业、优质、卓越、全面的服务与您共扬数控设备业美好的风帆! 公司奉行以管理求效益,以质量求生存,以信誉求发展的经营理念,积极提高产品质量价值观,秉承以客户为中心、与客户共赢同发展的经营理念,坚持以市场需求为导向,不断创新,不断进取,竭诚为各行业广大用户提供高质量的产品和完善的售后服务! Wu’Han GuangYuan WeiYe CNC equipment limited company, is a professional engaged in research, development, production all kinds of carving machine high-tech enterprises.Is one of the few professional CNC machines with independent research and development enterprise. Has now become the leader at home and abroad. Device configuration is primarily from Italy, Japan and the Germany imported from countries such as the top-level part. Our full range of products have passed CE, ISO certification, our products have been widely used in woodworking, metal processing, stone carving, the identity model, advertising, craft gift, textile and leather, printing, design and other fields. Business philosophy: technology leadership with leading NC laboratories and workshops throughout the country, annual selection of professional elite to join. Quality management system of quality assurance ISO 9,001, monitor the whole process of production. Perform complete service truly worry-free service, timing and response to customer feedback of each. Cultural characteristics to "the pursuit of quality, created value for customers" as the enterprise culture. Customer demand and recognized, is our continuous development increased power! We sincerely look forward to new and old customers at home and abroad to visit our factory, FENGCHI is willing to take a professional, high quality and excellence, comprehensive services with you Yang CNC equipment industry a better sailing! Company
  • 联 系 人:王震
  • 职 位:销售经理
  • 联 系 电 话:86-027-85508553 / 15071044707
  • 移 动 电 话:
  • 公 司 地 址:武汉市汉口火车站东侧财神广场写字楼10楼A7室
  • 邮 政 编 码:420000
  • 本 站 编 号:201451822927_112624
  • 企 业 性 质:私营有限责任公司 - 生产型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:100 ;发展指数: 97 ;口碑指数: 107