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科圣電源設備厰是一家集研發,生產,銷售,服務為一体的專業電源設備實業公司,经过多年的努力和诚信经营,在同行业中已成为颇具规模和实力电源生产厂家。公司产品已通过多家产品質量监督所检验,並在生産中按照標准嚴格執行.公司自創立以來,一貫堅持 “科技是优先生産力” 的理論導向,以品牌戰略爲先導,為適應市場高速發展需要,公司一直不斷引進國內外较较高端的先進技術設備和管理經驗, 高素質工程技術人員,先進的生產和檢測設備。公司在電源的品種、質量、生產規模和管理模式等方面已得到了完善,使公司產品達到先進技術水平,暢銷全國,遠銷海外各國,深受廣大客戶的好評。 科圣電源主要生産變壓器,穩壓器,開關電源,等系列電源産品,自公司創立至今已與上千家企業建立了良好長期的合作關系,部份生產廠家把本公司產品列為免檢配件。有您的參與,我們相信會做的更好!科圣電源全体人員熱誠與海內外客商友好合作,致力以高質的產品,合理的價格與快捷的交貨贏取客戶的滿意和認同。歡迎各界朋友前來考察、洽談業務,共創美好未來。 KESHENG POWER EQUIPMENT FACTORY, a professional industrial one, focuses on research and development, production, sales and service. Locating in China’s largest manufacturing base, Dongguan, it has got approval to register from the relevant authorised department of the State. Besides, it has passed ISO9001: 2000 Quality Management System Certification and strictly carr ies it out in production. Since the day when it was built, KEMEI has continuously followed the guidance, Science is the primary productivity, and made the strategy of good brand as the first priority. In order to meet the demands of the rapid development of the market, KESHENG tries every effort to introduce the edged techonology, facilities and managerial experience, talented engeering and technical people, advanced facility for production and checking, etc. Till now, KESHENG is quiped with advanced knowledge and high efficient ability to produce, and products are popular in East Asia, North America, South America and so on. Products in KESHENG include transformer, Voltage-stabilizer, SMPS and so on …. Now, it has established good and long-term relationship with more than a thousand companies in China. Therefore, we believe, with your participation, we can make it better. People from all walks of life are welcome to KESHENG to pay a visit or have a business talk.
  • 联 系 人:宋龙
  • 职 位:销售技术员
  • 联 系 电 话:86-0769-33351949 / 84553181
  • 移 动 电 话:yi-333er-6wu-wu-6yi-ba-
  • 公 司 地 址:东莞市凤岗镇沙岭水贝工业区
  • 邮 政 编 码:
  • 本 站 编 号:201451821582_100308
  • 企 业 性 质:个体经营 - 生产型
  • 网友评论:
  • 诚信指数:98 ;发展指数: 94 ;口碑指数: 109